Becker Consulting Services, Inc is a provider of Microsoft information technology (IT) consulting focused on SQL Server and the Microsoft data-platform, founded in 2006 by Chris Becker.

Prior to founding BCS, Mr. Becker started as a report writer getting his feet wet with the SQL language in the property management and transportation industries. He quickly discovered a love of data eclipsing an Accounting career which he degreed in at Cal State University Fullerton. Data was it, asking what are the biggest and baddest database systems out there, he wanted to learn everything about that, Oracle, DB2, SQL Server. Getting certified seemed to be the route, wanting to revamp a career that was heading down an Accounting road he needed to get up to speed asap, and that he did. Earning an OCP in 8i and an MCDBA in SQL Server, ready to tackle a new career and consult.
Transitioning to a new career and with a heads-down mentality, not caring about financial rewards that would undoubtedly come, but obsessing about the work and clients. Old fashioned hard work would keep Chris engaged at clients, and new clients would come slow and steady with zero to no advertising.. A good new found friend and colleague moved to Utah and shared he knows a ‘good DBA’ because they needed a cluster and wanted to scale and grow the right way. Solidifying that a consulting career was it, being the hired-gun was it!

Today BCS keeps it’s client base small, not looking to be the next Amazon and conquer the world, rather deliver unparalleled support and attention to clients. Chris is at a point in life where he is at a Senior Architect level with much experience in Healthcare, Financial Services, Transportation, and Property Management. He regularly speaks & trains to client departments and teams, as well as present at his local SQL User Group with a mindset of ‘giving back’ to the next generation that will become the custodians of data. Collapsing time for others, sharing stories ‘from the trenches’ with over 25 years of experience, this is the core of leadership at BCS!