We offer Database Administration Services for a fraction of the cost of hiring a Full-time DBA. We specialize in SQL Server and are 100% On-Shore based in Southern California. We cover your choice of platforms – Windows, Linux, or Cloud. Let our experts assume complete responsibility for monitoring, security, and performance of your database environment.

We can Monitor any Infrastructure and any Application. The tool at the heart of our monitoring platform is an Open Source, powerful and configuration language and REST API. Scale up to thousands of nodes in a secure and reliable way, monitor the availability of your network resources, notify users of outages and generate performance data for reporting. Scalable and extensible, we can monitor large, complex environments across multiple locations.

Allow us to be a critical member of your project team responsible for executing your Data Strategy and implement business critical architecture. Specifically, the Data Architect will be responsible for architecting, developing and managing all data integrations, reporting and analytics platform for your company’s data. Technology is central to our success and key to maintaining our competitive edge. We can be responsible for the overall data architecture across the enterprise with focus on reporting, data visualization and analytics.

BCS will help you leverage Azure SQL Database. The intelligent, fully managed relational cloud database service that provides the broadest SQL Server engine compatibility. SQL Database is the best choice economically. Migrating your SQL Server workloads to SQL Database Managed Instance can yield significant savings over time